| P: 888.211.3400 | F: 269.925.8539 | E:
Sensor Brightness
Possible values 0-100%. This displays the reflectivity or light transmission of the media, depending on the
setting for Mark Seeking. This value is updated once per second.
Note: Before adjusting black mark thresholds, set Mark Width to match the width of the black mark or
label gap on your media.
Front Paper Sensor Threshold
When using paper with a black on the front adjust this setting to insure the paper stops at the black mark.
1. With the lid closed and the black mark not over the front paper sensor, note the Sensor Brightness.
2. Open the paper lid and hold the paper against the front paper sensor so that the black mark is over the
sensor. Note the Sensor Brightness.
Set Threshold = black mark brig ((paper brightness
– black mark brightness) / 2) and click Submit
Example: black mark brightness = 10%, paper brightness = 80%.
Threshold = 10% + ((80% - 10%) / 2) = 45%.
4. Close lid and press paper feed. The paper should stop with the bottom of the form at the tearbar.
Rear Paper Sensor Threshold (FP530siL models only)
This is set the same as the front paper threshold, but using the rear (in lid) paper sensor and the Rear Sensor
Gap Paper Sensor Threshold (FP530siL models only)
When using labels without a Black Mark, adjust this setting to insure the label stops at the gap in between labels.
1. Remove 2 labels from the backing paper, and close the lid so the backing is over the paper sensor. Note
Sensor Brightness for Gap.
2. Open the lid and close it so a label is over the paper sensor. Note Sensor Brightness for Gap.
3. Set Gap Threshold = label brig ((backing brightness
– label brightness) / 2) and click Submit
4. Close lid and press paper feed. The paper should stop with the bottom of the form at the tearbar.
Backup Distance Before Printing
Used with Mark Seek. User defined. This is the distance the printer will pull in the paper before starting to print.
Max Mark Search Distance
Used with Mark Seek. User defined. This is the distance the printer will advance paper to seek the mark before
displaying a Paper Out condition.
Stop Distance after Mark
Use with Mark Seeking. User defined. This is the distance the printer will advance the paper after the mark is
Left Margin
Setting this value will tell the printer how far from the left edge of the paper to start the print job.
Possible values 0
– 10. Default value is 5
The lower the value the lighter the print. The higher the value the darker the print.
Paper Energy Values
This is a locked value. These settings are supplied by the paper manufacturer. The default settings cover most
grades of paper. If you are using non-standard paper consult the paper manufacturer for recommended settings.