The button serves for the machine start – it starts all motors, heating and on machines
with pedal and clutch also the feeding table. LED next to the button indicates the machine
The button enables to choose required program for ironing. Every press of the button
increases number of program by 1, from the program 20 it comes over to program 1 again
(it means the program sequence is 0-1-2-3-…-19-20-1-2-…). Program 0 is available only
after switching the machine on.
Program number can be selected also by buttons „+“ and „-“.
Reading of selected program happens 2s after the last press of one of mentioned buttons.
Mode of program selection is finished by this, the button for program selection is deactivated
and parameters of the new program are displayed in sequence, every parameter for 2s.
LED at appropriate button always lights up together with the parameter.
Order of displaying is: „Width of fold“ and „Number of folds“ (only on ironer with front/rear
delivery with folder), „Temperature“ and „Speed“. Speed and appropriate LED remain
If the button is pressed during machine operation, then the ironer stops. If the button is
pressed while the machine is not running the reverse operation is started for approximately
such a period, that the roller circuit covers a distance of 500 mm, while speed is the same
as when running forwards.
Then the machine stops and it is possible to start the reverse operation by the same button
again or start the normal operation by the „Start“ button.
LED next to this button indicates, that the reverse operation is active.
The ironer is equipped with function of „cooling down” – automatic machine stop when
temperature of ironing roller decreases bellow 80°C. Function is activated by pressing this
button, its activation is indicated by blinking LED next to the button. If this function is
activated, it is possible to continue ironing normally, but the heating is off. As soon as
temperature of ironing roller decreases bellow 80°C, the machine stops and it is possible
to switch it off by the main switch. The function can be cancelled any time by pressing the
„Start“ button – this will start the heating again.
Second function of this button is confirmation (deleting) of error messages on the display.
Also the siren is silenced for 30s.
When „Temperature“ button is active, the actual temperature of ironing roller is displayed.
Short press of the button displays required temperature value for 3s; dot on the display
indicates, that this is the required value. Required value is always displayed for 3s, and
then the actual value is displayed again.
Long press of the button (2s) activates mode of required temperature editing.
The temperature can be changed in steps of 5°C in range 0 -180°C.
When „Speed“ button is active, the actual speed of ironing roller is displayed. This button
doesn’t have editing mode: if the button is active, every press of „+“ or „-“ causes change
of speed. Changed value need not be confirmed. Speed can be changed in steps of 0,5
m/min in range 1,5÷8 m/min.
„+“, „-“
Buttons serve for decreasing and increasing of the displayed value (it means value of
parameter, button of which is active).