USER MANUAL | MultiPad 7.0 Prime DUO/PMP5770D DUO
10. Troubleshooting
10.1 Forced shutdown
Touch the Power Button for about 8 seconds and the device will be forced shutdown. This operation
might cause data loss though, so please backup important information regularly.
10.2 Restore default settings
To restore the factory default settings, you can tap Settings > Backup & reset> Factory data reset.
Warning: data of your Google account, your personalized settings, and installed applications will be
removed from your device once you execute factory default settings, so please make a careful decision
whether to restore default settings. Before restoring default settings, it is suggested to backup
data/applications you want.
10.3 System updating
After system update/upgrade, it may occur that the installed third-party applications cannot run or there
is data loss or damage to the apps. This is normal phenomena rather than system fault. You just need to
download and install the third-party applications again into the device. It is recommended to backup
data of the third-party applications before system update/upgrade.