USER MANUAL | MultiPad 7.0 Prime DUO/PMP5770D DUO
7.3 Gallery
You use Gallery to view pictures and play videos that you’ve taken with Camera, downloaded, or copied
onto your SD card. You can perform basic editing tasks on pictures and set them as your wallpaper or
contact picture. You can also share your pictures and videos with friends.
On the Home screen tap the launcher icon
and Gallery
icon after. Photos and videos are
classified automatically for easy view. The gallery application will run and the interface is as follows:
Browse & edit pictures/photos
Tap an album to open it and view its contents;
- this icon could be found on upper right corner of the screen; it allows you to browse all
photos/pictures in slideshow mode.
Select a picture to view it in full screen mode; drag left or right to view the next or previous picture in
the album; move your fingers inward/outward to zoom out/zoom in the selected photo/picture.
- this button allows you to share it with friends via email, Twitter, Facebook etc.
Use delete icon
to delete the selected files.
to pop-up the following control menu:
- starts a slide show of all pictures in the album;
- to edit the selected picture. When the picture is zoomed in, drag the picture to view parts that are
not in view. When the picture is zoomed to fit the window, drag left or right to view the next or previous
picture in the album.
to rotate the picture/photo 90° anticlockwise or clockwise;