USER MANUAL | MultiPad 7.0 Prime DUO/PMP5770D DUO
3.2 Shortcuts to Add widgets
Widgets put at-a-glance important information and media content up front on your Home screen. Some
widgets are already added to your Home screen for your convenience. You can add more from the
available selection of widgets, or download more widgets.
1. Adding a widget to your Home screen
To add widgets to Home screen, you can:
1.1 Tap
on the home screen to enter into all apps interface as follows
1.2 Tap
1.3. Select one item. Touch and hold your finger on widget. Choose desired place for widget on the
home screen.
Examples of Widgets are as follows:
[Note]: When choosing place for widget you can switch home screen tabs by sliding finger with holding
widget to the left or right side of the home screen.