PM-236 v4 -207.indd
The hinge-type steady rest, see also Figure -9, can be
mounted anywhere along the lathe bed. It makes pos-
sible cutting operations on long, slender workpieces be-
tween centers, or held at one end by chuck. The steady
rest is often used in combination with the carriage-
mounted follower rest, Figure 3-29.
To set the fingers on the workpiece, first swing open the
upper casting. Make certain that all three fingers are
freely adjustable by thumbwheel. If not, loosen and re-
lock the set screws, arrowed in Figure 3-29. Raise the
two lower fingers to just touch the workpiece — not de-
flecting it — then close and secure the upper casting.
Lower the top finger to just touch the workpiece, then
apply oil at the point of contact.
Figure 3-29
Steady rest
When face-cutting large diameter surfaces, for exam-
ple, it is often desirable to lock the carriage. Less fre-
quently it can be helpful to lock, or at least stiffen, the
sliding motion of the cross slide or compound, Figures
3-27 and 3-28.
Figure 3-28
Carriage and cross slide lock screws
Figure 3-27
Compound lock screw
The follower rest, Figure 3-30,is secured to the saddle
with two 8 mm socket head screws. Adjust the follower
fingers as described for the steady rest.