PD8-6060 Explosion-Proof Dual Analog Input Process Meter
Instruction Manual
Easy Programming Methods
The ProtEX-MAX can be programmed in a
hazardous area with the through-glass SafeTouch
buttons without removing the cover, in a safe area
with the front panel push buttons with the cover
removed, or in a safe area with free, PC-based
MeterView Pro software. MeterView Pro is resident on
the ProtEX-MAX and is accessed by a provided USB
cable, so it is by far the easiest way to program the
ProtEX-MAX. The ProtEX-MAX can be calibrated
either by applying a known signal or scaled by
entering a desired value with the front panel buttons
or MeterView Pro software. Most customers will use
the scaling method because it is simpler and does not
require a calibrated signal source. Selecting the input
to be current or voltage is done with the front panel
buttons or MeterView Pro software. Once programming
is completed it can be locked with a password.
The ProtEX-MAX comes preloaded with free
MeterView Pro programming software that connects
and installs directly to your PC with a standard USB
cable, also provided free with each instrument. This
eliminates the need to insert CDs, install drivers, or
download software from the internet. When you
connect your ProtEX-MAX to your PC, MeterView Pro
is downloaded to your PC, the software automatically
selects the model you are programming, and you’re
ready to start programming immediately.
MeterView Pro can be used to scale both of the inputs
(Channel A & Channel B) on the PD8-6060. In the
example below, Channel A has nine points of
linearization and Channel B has two points.
Further simplifying the programming process, the
ProtEX-MAX can be powered from the USB port, so
no need to apply external power while programming
your meter. In addition to programming, the software
will also allow you to monitor, and datalog a
ProtEX-MAX using your PC. You can also generate
and save programming files for later use.
Advanced Display Features
Dual-Line Makes All the Difference
The ProtEX-MAX has two red LED displays, a main
display 0.60" (15 mm) high, and a second display
0.46" (12 mm) high. Each display is a full 6 digits
(-99999 to 999999).
The ProtEX-MAX's dual-line display makes all the
difference both when programming the instrument
and when using it in the field. When programming the
instrument, the dual-line display prompts for the
needed information and also helps you keep track of
where you are in the setup process.
Programming Assistance
The ProtEX-MAX's dual-line display makes
programming the instrument much easier because the
second line prompts for the needed information and
also helps you keep track of where you are in the
setup process.
The ProtEX-MAX is prompting for the value for Input 2
and displaying the default value of 20.00 mA. The “2”
in 20.00 is brighter than the rest of the digits indicating
that it is the number that will be changed by the Up
The ProtEX-MAX is now prompting for what the
user wants Display 2 to be; that is the value that
corresponds to 20 mA. In this case Display 2 is
currently set to 95.00.
Super-Bright Display
The ProtEX-MAX comes standard with a super-bright
display, with LEDs that are visible even in direct
sunlight. The display also has up to eight levels of
adjustable intensity for optimum visibility in any
lighting condition.
Rounding for Even Steadier Display
The rounding feature is used to give the user a
steadier display with fluctuating signals. It causes the
display to round to the nearest value according to the
rounding value selected (1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100).
For example, with a rounding value of 10, and an
input of 12346, the display would indicate 12350.