PD6620 Series
Loop Leader
Loop-Powered Rate/Totalizers
Loop Leader flow rate/totalizers can be programmed for a wide
variety of totalizer applications. They can display total, grand total, or
non-resettable grand total; the rate can be displayed with a time base
of seconds, minutes, hours or days. The user can program a totalizer
conversion factor, a non-resettable grand total, password protection,
and several total reset methods.
8-Digit Total & Grand Total Display, Up to
13 Digits Using Both Lines
The Loop Leader flow rate/totalizer can be programmed to show
eight full digits of total on the bottom display or 13 digits of total using
both the top and bottom displays. In both cases, the display can be
programmed to include commas to make it easier to read the very
large numbers; ie 44,987,356
In 13-digit mode, the bottom line shows the least significant digits
and the top line shows the most significant digits. The meter is not
capable of displaying commas on the top line, so this number is
actually 1,211,230,379. The comas can be removed from bottom if
desired. See sample on bottom, right.
Totalizer Conversion Factor & Multiplier
The user can enter a totalizer conversion factor that allows the
meter to display total in different units than the rate. For instance, a
customer could measure flow rate in gallons per minute and total in
hundredths of acre-feet. A multiplier may be selected to automatically
display the value in kGAL, MGAL, etc.
Totalizer Password Protection
The total and grand total can be password protected so they can be
reset only by authorized personnel.
Non-Resettable Grand Total
The user can set up the grand total to be non-resettable by selecting
YES for PERMLOCK in the Advanced - Grand Total - Reset menu.
Once this is done, the grand total can never be reset.
Remote Total Reset
The total can be reset via an external contact closure on the digital
Front Panel Total Reset
The three front panel function keys can be programmed to reset
the total and grand total. This makes it possible for the user to reset
either the total or the grand total by pressing the appropriate function
key. Of course, if the total or grand total is password protected, they
will not reset when the function key is pressed unless the password
is entered.
Low-Flow Cutoff
The user may program the meter for a low-flow cutoff such that the
meter displays zero below this point, regardless of the input value.
Total Alarms
The Loop Leader’s two relays can be set up to alarm when the
total reaches a user-defined set point. A variety of reset modes are
available and the user can also program time delays and fail-safe
Multi-Point Linearization
Meters are set up at the factory for linear function with 2-point
linearization. Up to 32 linearization points can be selected for the
scaled value under the linear function. Multi-point linearization can
be used to linearize the display for non-linear signals to convert
level to flow using weirs and flumes with complex exponent.
Password Protection
A password can be set for programming security to prevent
unauthorized changes to the programmed parameter settings. There
are three password types available: Main, Total, and Grand Total.
The Main password prevents access to the meter Programming
Mode. Total and Grand Total passwords prevent resetting the total
and grand total, respectively.
Input 1 is set to 4 mA
Display 1 is set to 0.0
Loop Leaders can be programmed and setup either by using the
front panel buttons or free, PC-based software with USB interface.
Front Panel Buttons for Easy Setup,
Programming, and Other Functions
Loop Leader process meters include four front panel buttons for
setup and programming. The front panel buttons along
with the dual-line display makes the Loop Leader easy
to set up & program. Three of these buttons are also
function keys that can be programmed to trigger certain
events (i.e. acknowledge alarms, reset max and/or
min, disable/enable output relays, or hold current relay
states), provide direct menu access points, and more.
One feature that makes the Loop Leaders particularly
easy to set up and program is that they can be scaled
without applying a calibrated or known input. The user
simply enters the desired values for Input 1 and Input 2
(for instance 4.000 and 20.00 mA) and the corresponding
display values for these inputs (for instance 0.0 and 2000.0)
8 Digits of Total on Bottom
In 13-Digit Mode
All versions of these instruments are CE marked. The hazardous
area versions of these instruments are UL and C-UL Listed as
intrinsically safe and nonincendive and ATEX and IECEx Certified
for Intrinsic Safety in Hazardous Areas (Gas Atmospheres). These
versions are also UL and C-UL Listed under the UL 61010-1
General Safety Standard.
One of the most useful aspects of the hazardous area approvals is
that these instruments are approved by UL as nonincendive so they
can be installed in Division 2 areas with no additional protective
devices needed.
For Complete Details See Control Drawing LIM6600-2
at www.predig.com/PD6626
Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
Ta = -40°C to +70°C
Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C and D T4
Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D T4
Ex ia IIC T4 (Canada); Class I Zone 0, Zone 1,
AEx ia IIC T4 (U.S.)
Class I Zone 2, Group IIC T4 (U.S.)
Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
Tamb = -40°C to +70°C