The tool drives PREBENA brads individually into a piece of wood by
means of compressed air. The compressed air supply can come
from a compressed air cartridge (KT-1000) attached to the tool or
from a PREBENA compressor via an adapter. Excessive pressure is
relieved by means of pressure relief valves.
You can adjust the nailing depth by regulating the air pressure or
with the adjusting wheel for the firing protection device.
Product features
The tool has the following features:
Operation either with compressed air cartridge or on a
compressed air system,
Firing protection device,
Single or bump firing,
Empty firing protection device,
Magazine with side loading system,
Adjustable 360° air outlet,
Rubber foot to protect the workpiece (impression protection),
Filling level indicator for compressed air cartridge,
Driving force variable via adjustable working pressure,
Pressure gauge for working pressure and
Setting of the nailing depth via adjustment wheel for the firing
protection device.