F A S T B A C K ® M O D E L 1 5 x s E K E Y O P E R A T O R ’ S M A N U A L , R E V . B — 7 / 2 4 / 0 2
If you ever need to work or clean inside the Fastback® binder, first open
the cover.
1. Switch the power off.
2. Slide the machine access key under the cover. When it is engaged on
the shaft, pull forward until the top cover pops up slightly. Gently push
the case backward until it stops in the upright position.
Sometimes Superstrips™ can get stuck inside the binder. Don’t worry—
it is easy to fix.
1. Open the Fastback® cover.
2. Directly in front of the heating platen is the black metal book rest; flip
this up (figure 2).
3. Now inspect the bottom of the binder. The strip will probably be
lurking somewhere around here. If it isn’t, it’s in the feed slot or stuck
to the platen.
4. Using the tweezers provided with your Fastback® binder, remove the
strip from the binder (figure 3).
5. If there’s any glue on the platen, this is a good time to clean it (see page
6. Close the cover.
W A R N I N G :
The heating
platen may be extremely
hot! Use the heat
protective glove and
tweezers when working
with the platen.
O P E N I N G T H E F A S T B A C K ® C O V E R
R E M O V I N G J A M M E D S U P E R S T R I P S ™