A01-00134 Rev. A
Exclusive Remedies
Except as set forth herein and except as to title, there are no warranties,
express or implied, or any affirmations of fact or promises by Powervar
for the Products, their merchantability, or fitness for any particular
purpose. In no event shall Powervar be liable for lost profits, goodwill,
or any other special or consequential damages. A Powervar Corporate
Officer must approve any warranties, programs or policies not stated
herein in writing before they will be implemented with any Customer. All
terms, prices, etc., stated herein are subject to change without notice.
Life Critical Applications
While Powervar believes it designs and manufactures very reliable
Products, many of the vendors that Powervar sources components from
do not recommend or endorse the use of their Products in life critical
applications. By extension, Powervar must adhere to the same business
policy and does not recommend the use of our Products in life critical
Powervar Products are not designed, intended, authorized, tested, or
UL Listed for use in systems intended to support or sustain life, or for
any other application in which the failure of a Powervar Product could
create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should
Buyer purchase or use Powervar Products for any such unintended or
unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Powervar and
its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates and distributors harmless
against all claims, costs, damages and expenses, and reasonable
attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim or personal
injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use,
even if such claim alleges that Powervar was negligent regarding the
design or manufacture of the part.