Operating Instructions and Parts List, Form No. 1000023A, Back sheet 3 of 5
If the ram will not extend completely, it will generally be found that there is an insufficient amount of oil in the crimper's
hydraulic system.
If the dies will not close and pumping is difficult, check the die number to make certain the proper size die is being
used on the accessory. If the dies will not close and pumping becomes easier, usually additional oil is needed in the
hydraulic system.
If the ram will not retract completely, it will generally be found that there is too much oil in the hydraulic system. Drain
enough to permit complete retraction. If the ram will not retract and the oil reservoir is not full, the ram is likely being
held by a deformed washer.
A small amount of leakage is desirable around the ram to lubricate this parts. If enough leakage occurs to cause the
oil to run, the packing should be replaced.
If the dies do not lock in position, the action of the retaining pins is probably restricted by dirt. Clean and oil these
If it is difficult to unlock the die-halves, the die release buttons should be lubricated. The die retaining pin set screw in
the C-head above the die release button is staked in position. To further tighten this screw will make it difficult or
impossible to release the die.
The use of Amoco Rykon MV oil is recommended. Compatible fluids include:
Mobil DTE 13
Mobil ATF 220 Shell Tellus 32 Arco Dexron III Citgo AW32
Citgo Dexron III
Other fluids also may be used if they meet or exceed the following specifications:
Viscosity: 181 SSU at 100 degree F.
Flash Point: 350 degree F
Pour Point: -50 degree F