Use and installation manual
(PVI-10.0/12.0-I-OUTD(-S)-400 Rev:1.3)
Connection with independent channels
WARNING: Before carrying out any operation, follow the
connection/disconnection procedure detailed in paragraph 3.4.1.
WARNING: The conditions which are NECESSARY to put in operation
the two MPPT in the indipendent modality are the following:
The photovoltaic generator connected to each of two inputs, must
provide the current (24 Adc for PVI-10.-OUTD, 25 for PVI-12.0-I-
OUTD) and the maximum power LESS than the limit of current and
power of the singular input channel (6.8KW).
Negative pole of the photovoltaic generator must be grounded
(Grounding of DC inputs, Par. 3.4.9)
In order to configure AURORA with independent channels, remove the jumpers
between the positive and negative terminals in Fig. 10, and move the selector
switch in Fig. 11 to the “IND” position.
Parallel connection of channels
WARNING: Before carrying out any operation, follow the
connection/disconnection procedure detailed in paragraph 3.4.1.
Use this configuration when the input current to one of the channels is greater than
24Adc (PVI-10.0-I-OUTD) or 25Adc (PVI-12.0-I-OUTD), when the input power
to one of the channels is greater than 6.8kW, when the positive pole of the
photovoltaic generator has been grounded (positive Grounding, Grounding of DC
inputs, Par. 3.4.9) or when none of two poles of the photovoltaic generator has
been grounded (floating photovoltaic generator, Grounding of DC inputs, Par
Parallel configuration is the factory setting, therefore it is not necessary to change
the connections.