-393 632
.4 04.08 F
Important! The respective regulations and standards of the screed
manufacturer have to be observed.
A correct function is only possible with a correctly installed plant
(hydraulic, electrical systems and settings).
Deviations can only lead to damage of the screed.
The floor curing function can be stopped prematurely by setting
Floor curing setp
(851, 1151)
Setting of temperature, up to which manual control is carried out
at activated floor curing function (see prog. no. 850).
General for control of modulating pump
(only with PWM-pump or pump with a 0-10V input and KPM)
The operating range of the modulating pump can be set exactly on
the design temperatures of the heating circuit. For this, two para-
meters have to be modified:
Speed design point (prog. no. 884) = maximum adjustable pump
speed (NqmodNenn)
Pump PWM min (prog. no. 885) = maximum permissible pump
speed (NqmodMin)
Speed design point
It is recommended to adjust this value for heat saving of the hea-
ting system (hydraulic balance). It corresponds to the speed step
of the pump in the design point to reach the nominal volume flow.
The function speed design point is comparable to an analogue
speed selection switch of an HC pump, which has 30 speed steps
available. Der Einstellbereich erstreckt sich von 6m auf 1m Wasser-
säule Förderdruck.
Pump PWM min
The minimum permissble pump speed (NqmodMin) of the HC pump
is set via prog. no. 885. This speed is sufficient to guarantee suffi-
cient water supply in the heating circuit, it is entered in percent
of the maximum speed step.
Fig. 13: Temperature profile of the floor curing function
Starting day
Functional heating
Curing heating
Fh + Ch