Additional Instruction before Flying
1.The camera lens is front(head).Players should keep away from the head of the drone.
2.After frequency pairing,press the Start/Landing button and check the rotating blades.
The left front/right rear blades(blades A) rotates towards clockwise direction while
the right front/left left rear blades(blades B)rotates towards counterclockwise direction.
3.Slowly push the left throttle stick up, the drone flies upwards, then push the left stick
slowly down to end, the drone flies downwards and landing.
4. Adjust relative transmitter Trim button to adjust the rudder if the drone tilts to one
side when flying.
Calibration Instruction
Please follow the below steps to calibrate the drone if the drone wouldn't hover after
taking off, and can not be adjusted by trim button and cause difficult operation.
1.Turn off the drone switch and then turn off the transmitter switch.
2.Turn on the transmitter switch, then power on the drone switch and put it on the
horizontal ground, after successful frequency piaring, press the fip button (Picture11),
you will hear "beep,beep,beep" sound from the transmitter. Push the left stick and
right stick to left rear positon about 45 degrees at the same time( Picture12),the
percentage displayed on the transmitter LCD screen turns to 0.0%(Picture 13).
3.After 8 seconds later, the side lights stop flashing and stay solid, which indicates
that the calibration is done and the drone is ready to fly.
Flying Control
1.Left and Right flying
P u s h L e f t / R i g h t / F o r w a r d / B a c k F l y i n g S t i c k ( R i g h t
s t i c k ) left or right and the drone flies to left or right
2.Upwards and Downwards Flying
Push the left throttle Up or Down and the drone flies
to up or down synchronously.
Push the left throttle Stick left or right
and the drone rotates to left or right
Flying Operation
Pair your drone with the transmitter
1.Turn on the transmitter(Picture 7
then turn on the Drone,the side lights of the drone
flash slowly, move the left throttle up and down(Picture 8
the side lights
of the
d r o n e s t o p fl a s h i n g a n d s t a y b r i g h t , a t t h i s m o m e n t , t h e d r o n e i s s u c c e s s f u l l y
connected to the transmitter.
2.Put the drone on the flat ground, press the switchhover button on the controller(Picture 10),
the blades begin rotate and you can operate your drone with the transmitter.
Important Notice: Please make sure the gyro of the receiving board is placed on the
horizontal position after powering on the drone, so that the drone can be controlled.
Picture 11 Picture 12 Picture13
Picture4 Picture 5 Picture 6
3.Rotate to Left or Right