OBM-U Series
4K LCD Professional Monitor
with 12G-SDI, Quad Link 4K
Black Stretch
The Black Stretch increases the visibility of subjects in dark areas, not degrading image quality in bright areas.
This mode can be used to increase shadow detail without changing the absolute black level, and without affec ng mid-tones.
False Color
This func on evaluates the Luma(Y') level of the input image. If the certain Y' level is set, the pixels with the designated Luma(Y')
level are displayed with the zebra pa ern or the color pa ern.
There are three modes in OBM False Color.
Black Stretch On
Black Stretch Off
This mode displays the Luma(Y') level of the input image in
zebra pa ern.
False Color ARRI
The color pa ern is displayed with ARRI camera standard.
False Color Variable
This mode allows the user to adjust White clipping, Pink
level, Green level, Black Clipping.
False Color Comparison
This func on enables the user to divide the picture side by
side, and compare the original image on the le half and
the False Color image on the right half.