ACS CANopen Manual
Version 20110928
8 of 44
AC C E L E N S ( AC S ) C AN o p e n
2.1.3 Mode: Stop Operation
The device goes into the "Stopped" state on
receiving the "Node stop" indication (NMT
service) if it was in "Pre-Operational" or
"Operational" state. In this state, the device
cannot be configured. No service is available to
read and write device-related data (SDO). Only
the slave monitoring function "Node Guarding"
remains active.
To put one or all nodes in the stop operational state, the master has to send the following message:
Byte 0
Byte 1
0 h
02 h
NMT-Stop, all nodes
0 h
02 h
NN (in hex)
NMT-Stop, NN
NN: node number
2.1.4 Re-initialization of the Inclinometer
If a node is not operating correctly, it is advisable to carry out a reinitialization.
Byte 0
Byte 1
0 h
82 h
Reset Communication
0 h
81 h
NN (in hex)
Reset Node
NN: node number
After reinitialization, the inclinometer accesses the bus in pre-operational mode.
2.2 Transmission Modes
Polled Mode
By a remote-transmission-request telegram the connected host calls for the
current process value. The inclinometer reads the current position value,
calculates eventually set-parameters and sends back the obtained process
value by the same identifier.
Cyclic Mode
The inclinometer cyclically transmits (without being called by the host) the
current process value. The cycle time can be programmed in milliseconds
for values between 0 ms and 65536 ms.
Sync Mode
After receiving a sync telegram by the host, the inclinometer answers with
the current process value. If more than one node number (encoder) shall
answer after receiving a sync telegram, the answer telegrams of the nodes
will be received by the host in order of their node numbers. The
programming of an offset-time is not necessary. If a node should not answer
after each sync telegram on the CAN network, the parameter sync counter
can be programmed to skip a certain number of sync telegrams before
answering again.