3 - 6
printed in two parts from two rolls of paper but every item will be
Printer fails to respond such as being powered off: --
wireless connection will resume when the printer comes back
alive. However the data sent when the printer goes off if it
happens at printing process will be lost. So it is quite advisable for
the application program to provide an option for end user to send
command to the printer to clear the residual memory of last
printing and resend the last printing job.
Wireless connection jammed: --
This situation could occur
when a large block of conductive material comes in the radio
wave propagation path or strike of strong RF interference. If the
situation happens when printer not printing, both printer and host
recover automatically after the blocking or the interference is
removed. However, when it happens during printing, there will be
data loss. Therefore it is also quite advisable for the application
program to provide an option for end user to send command to the
printer to clear the residual memory of last printing and resend the
last printing job.
Wireless connection broken by accidents on host side: --
If the DG-2000 connected to the host is abruptly disengaged by
accident, the wireless connection will definitely be interrupted.
However, the wireless connection does not automatically come
back after you reconnect the DG-2000 back to the original COM
port of the host. The application program may have to be
terminated and re-initialized if it does not provide the option to
close the COM port and then re-open the COM port for DG-2000
connection. If the AP does not release the control of COM port on
termination, even the OS may have to be restarted.