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COM port of the Dongle as if they were physically connected.
In other words, you may now send all command / data to the
COM port with Dongle to control / print at the PP7700
without excessive restrictions. You may then select for next
COM port, do another “Query Printer” and another
“Connect” for next Dongle if it exists.
d. Automatic re-connection at power on
One of the advantages with Posiflex wireless connection is
that it mimics a real physical cable connection very faithfully.
Whenever you connected a POS printer to a COM port in the
host system, you would expect the connection remains there
if you power off and back on either the host or the printer
before you make the “Disconnect” operation. This would be
particularly important in the more or less straightforward
application on
fixed port (Dongle)-printer-pair
with multiple Dongles and multiple printers in the overall
space but enjoying the convenience of no messy cables. This
is default supported in Posiflex wireless connection.
If for any reason this automatic reconnection at power up is
disabled, you may re-activate this function by including a
program shortcut in the system “StartUp” menu. Please
include the software parameter select “BTSetUp.exe /X /C”
in the shortcut.
e. Flexible wireless connection
Average wireless printer utilizing printer server concept in
WLAN provides good flexibility for multiple hosts to print
on multiple printers. Posiflex managed for POS application
something more than the flexibility in its wireless connection
in a different approach. It concerns the controlling Dongle
(host) and the wireless POS printer in the print task execution.
Considering the fact that most POS printers operate on a
“Line Print” basis, if several print jobs from one host have to