Sitter On Cue PRO
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which could result
in a serious risk of injury or death to patient or operator and or damage to
equipment or property.
(Without safety alert symbol):
Indicates a situation that may result in
damage to equipment or property.
Useful additional information and tips
Before You Begin
The Posey Sitter On Cue PRO is an easy to use addition to your falls management program. The
Sitter On Cue PRO provides an early warning when a patient attempts an unassisted exit from a
sensor. This system
does not
prevent falls or injury from falls and is not a substitute for patient
care, rounding and a comprehensive falls management protocol in your facility.
The Sitter On Cue PRO activates as the patient attempts to rise and removes pressure from the
sensor or unfastens their sensor belt. The Sitter On Cue PRO may be used with an optional cable or
wireless adapter to connect to the nurse call system.
Indications for Use:
Persons who may benefit from the use of the Posey Sitter On Cue PRO include:
Patients with diminished cognitive or mobility skills
Patients receiving medications that may cause disorientation, drowsiness, dizziness, or
f requent urination
Patients (new or existing) with a history of falls, or who are assessed to be at risk of falling based
on your selected fall-risk assessment
Patients who are restless or prone to get up in the middle of the night, e.g., due to incontinence,
or with nighttime voiding habits
NOTE: The Sitter On Cue PRO may not be suitable for all high fall-risk patients.
The Sitter On Cue PRO should
be used as the only means of surveillance for:
Agitated, combative or suicidal patients
Patients at extreme risk of a life-threatening fall
Response Policy:
Make sure your facility has a clearly defined falls management policy
WARNING: Test fall monitor functionality every time before each use and when
leaving the patient unattended.
Ensure the nurse call cable is plugged into both the fall monitor and the wall
port of the nurse call system or that the wireless adapter is paired properly
before leaving the patient unattended. Verify that an alert is received at the
nursing station.