:: 30 BESEA
:: 31
Ensuring the wing has sufficient lift capacity and that the amount
of ballast weight is correctly chosen shall be performed in
confined water. Consult your SCUBA instructor for additional help
in setting up your equipment and weight.
Buoyancy control / Adjusting the amount
of ballast weight
With all your standard equipment put on and cylinders at
maximum filled, make sure the Besea wing can keep you floating
so that you can hold your air-ways well above the surface.
With all your standard equipment put on and cylinders close to
empty (10-20 bar), dump all gas from the Besea bladder. If you
cannot submerge, add 1 kg at the time to your ballast weights
and repeat the test procedure. If submerging takes place before
the bladder is completely emptied, you may remove ballast
weight instead.
All different Besea wings are constructed for different purposes,
to enable certain kinds of diving, and to ensure a maximum
level of safety. The lift capacity must ensure that at least 3 kg
of positive buoyancy is achieved when inflated, even if releasing
ballast weights is forgotten.
Please refer to and use the “worst case” dimensioning aid table
below. Put your own equipment’s negative and positive buoyancy
in the A and B columns below and calculate your own need for
minimum bladder lift capacity.
Wing capacity
Ballast weights
Buoyancy calculation