UNIT can save 3000 reports (3000-1) recently; Click ‘Export’ button can export them with
Excel or Text format.
Initialize: clear all data in UNIT.
Request All: read out the whole existing setting from GT3000.
Request: read out the setting in the current page.
Apply: transfer the setting to GT3000 in the current pages.
Apply All: transfer the whole setting to GT3000.
Load: load the saved configuration files.
Save: save the current configuration setting to a file.
Add to database: Add the current configuration to database
Exit: exit PC-Setup to main program.
Note that Device ID, GPRS Login and server IP/Port information need to be input correctly
in order to make the connection. If the report sending using GPRS connection fails, the
report will be sent to the ‘primary’ SMS number first. The report will be resent, when the
GPRS connection becomes available.