Long considered the most utilitarian of basketball backstop and, allegedly, easiest to in-
stall, the Wall Mounted Backstop is not always appropriate for the given building parame-
ters. Safety continues to be Porter’s primary objective with the installation of this product.
The evaluation of building conditions, along with the methodology of anchoring, is para-
The assessment of whether or not the wall is adequate for this type of instal-
lation is the responsibility of the architect of structural engineer. If an architect is
not presently involved with the project, it is strongly recommended the general con-
tractor secure an architect for this purpose.
Before choosing a Wall Mounted style backstop, it is absolutely critical the structural integ-
rity of the wall, itself, be appropriate for the load and impact which will be applied at the
attachment points. Not only does the static load of the backstop need to be accounted for,
but the dynamic loads introduced during the course of play - such as “slam-dunking” -
must be evaluated by the architect or structural engineer. The extension of the backboard
out from the wall creates a lever arm on the wall anchors, increasing the pull-out force on
the anchors as the backstop extension increases. Refer to the load diagrams in this manu-
al for general parameters in loading at the backstop attachment points. For specific loads
and custom applications, please contact the factory.
Wall Structure Requirements
Ideally, a bearing wall comprised of concrete masonry units (CMU) is well suited for a wall
mounted backstop application. Tilt-up concrete panels may also be utilized for wall mount-
ed backstops, provided that the recommendation of the architect/structural engineer ap-
proves all building attachments.
Wood and metal stud construction, however, pose an integrity issue for this style of back-
stop. Even if the wood stud construction is considered a bearing wall, this type of wall is
not well suited for the weight of a backstop. Variables such as the overall length of stud
from sole plate to top plate, locations of ties (if any) to the outside wall structure, interior
wall blocking, and inside face material all contribute to the feasibility of this type of attach-
ment. It is recommended an overhead supported unit or portable backstop is specified in
lieu of a wall mounted backstop with this type of construction. The load of the backstop,
even without “slam-dunking,” may cause the studs (at the anchor points) to “belly out,” not
only compromising the integrity of the wall, but causing interior wall cracks on finishes
such as gypsum wallboard tape joints. Should the architect approve the wall-mounted
backstop style for a stud wall with gypsum face, it is recommended the support wood pads
be secured directly to the studs and blocking. Mounting the wood pad over gypsum board
will compress the face of the board, and not yield a secure attachment. Blocking of the
wall for this type of attachment is mandatory.
Porter does not furnish either the blocking material, or design requirements of the block-
ing. Due to the myriad variables in construction of the supporting wall, the architect/
structural engineer must make the blocking recommendation. Please note, however, re-
gardless of blocking, use of wood lag screws as a method of anchoring is prohibited. This
must be a positive connection. Please refer to Detail “A”.
Summary of Contents for 219 Series
Page 49: ...INSTALLER NOTES...