Detergent drawer maintenance and cleaning
• Your detergents may form residue in the detergent drawer and
detergent drawer slot. Remove the detergent drawer at regular
intervals to clean the formed residue. In order to remove the
detergent drawer from its place:
* Pull the detergent drawer all the way out.
• Press the region shown below inside the detergent drawer you
have pulled all the way out, and continue pulling and remove the
detergent drawer from its place.
• Rinse with a brush and lots of water.
• Collect the residues inside the detergent drawer slot so that
they don’t fall inside your machine.
• Dry the detergent drawer with a towel or dry cloth and place it
• Do not wash your detergent drawer in a dishwasher.
Liquid detergent apparatus(*)
For the cleaning and maintenance of the liquid level detergent
apparatus, remove the apparatus from its location as shown in
the picture below, and thoroughly clean the remaining detergent
residues. Replace the apparatus. Make sure that no residual
material remains inside the siphon.
(*) Model dependant