Using the Scatterbird App
3. Set Bangs
The Scatterbird MK4 unit will
make however many bangs are
set in immediate succession (Fig
1). We call this succession of
bangs a cluster. You can change
the number of bangs between
1 and 5. There is also a random
feature, which will select the
number of bangs randomly
between 1 and 5. Select the
number of bangs you want by
touching the button desired. It
will turn green and the number
selected will also be written on
the right hand side.
4. Set Interval
The interval between clusters
of bangs can be varied by using
the slider at the bottom of the
profi les page (Fig 1). You may
need to scroll your screen up to
see this.
5. Loudness
Here you can adjust the volume
of the profi le to suit varying
conditions (Fig 1). If you
have a particular fi eld close
to neighbours you may want
to reduce the volume in this
circumstance. As Scatterbirds
get older the residues in the
propane gas slowly reduce the
size of the jet allowing less gas
into the unit. Eventually this
reduction is noticeable in the
loudness of bang. If the jet is not
cleaned through this can even
get to misfi ring of the unit.
Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3
Fig 4
Remember: You may be able to view the complete screen, but
you may need to scroll up/down to see all the different items.