U:\Instructions - CURRENT\Lifts\A3 LIFT INST 1265 V FLB.doc
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Bolt the winch to the inside of the winch upright with a 3/8”x 3” bolts, washers, fender washer, and nuts
(REF. # 16, 21, 20, & 23) NOTE: the 3/8” fender washer goes against the tube on the top hole only.
Find the end
of the lift cable, thread the end of the cable through the hole in the side of the winch drum and secure with the cable
clip, carriage bolt, and nut.
Thread on the winch wheel
(REF. # 10)
and secure with the winch hardware.
As a reference the corners are marked below on the assembly drawing. At corner B slide a rubber stop tube
onto the cable. Fasten the cable stud to the top cross tube of the anchor side member using a 3/8” fender
washer, 3/8” washer, and 3/8" locknut
(REF. # 20, 21, & 22)
. At corner C slide a rubber stop tube
(REF. # 11)
the cable that is farthest from the upright tube. Fasten both cable studs to the top cross tube of the anchor side
member using a 3/8” fender washer, 3/8” washer, and 3/8” locknut
(REF. # 20, 21, & 22)
At corner D slide a rubber
stop tube
(REF. # 11)
onto the cable that is farthest from the upright tube. Fasten both cable studs to the winch side
member at the horizontal stub with a 3/8” fender washer, 3/8” washer, and 3/8" locknut
(REF. # 20, 21 & 22)
. While
standing on the double cable corner of the lift bed, adjust the nuts on the cable studs until the cables have the same
amount of tension and the bed is just off the 2” X 4”‘s. Repeat procedure on the other double cable corner; place a
bolt cap
(REF. # 27)
onto each cable stud.