What are Over the Air
(OTA) updates?
An Over the Air (OTA) update pushes new features,
improved functions, and bug fixes to the RIDE
Plug-In, and occurs automatically as
the vehicle is connected to the cellular network. OTA
updates occur seamlessly, without the need to
download, refresh or take any actions to activate an
update for RIDE .
How often does RIDE
my vehicle’s location?
If the vehicle is turned on or running, it will report
back its current location. If the vehicle is turned off,
RIDE will report to the app every 24
hours with battery level and location.
How do I mark a
Diagnostic Trouble
Code (DTC) as read?
You can access the list of DTCs for a vehicle under a
vehicle’s maintenance tab within the mobile and web
garage. You can either mark DTCs as “read” one at a
time or select the option to mark all DTCs as read.
Once a DTC is marked as read, the DTC can still be
accessed, but will show up below newer DTCs in the
list and not provide an active DTC experience in the
app and web. New DTCs will always appear as
unread within the app and web at the top of their
respective lists.
Will my RIDE
subscription transfer if
I trade vehicles or get
rid of my vehicle that
uses RIDE
Yes. The RIDE subscription lives with
the Plug-In, not the user. If the vehicle is sold with
the Plug-In, RIDE will run the duration
of subscription with the new user and the new user
will later have the opportunity to renew that
subscription or not.
Who can I reach out
to if I need help?
You can reach out to ridecommand.polaris.
com/support or our Customer Support Center via
phone at 1 (800) 765-2747 for RIDE
COMMAND/RIDE questions.