On the basis of heart rate variation, the Polar Vantage NV Heart Rate
Monitor measures the Relaxation Rate of your body. The Relaxation
Rate (RLX) indicates heart rate variation as a graphic bar on the right
of the display and as a numerical value under the bar. The value is a
modified standard deviation value for the heart rate variation, and the
measuring unit used is milliseconds.
Maximum heart rate of exercising period
Measure mode.
Indicates memory available.
During the exercise period, you can record
information in the memory of the HRM. The number of exercising
sessions is unlimited. If the memory is getting full, the oldest file is
erased automatically. (To activate this function see Setting the Memory
Deletion.) It is also possible to erase the newest file manually (See
Deleting the most recent file).
Minimum heart rate of exercising period.
Shows the month in TIME mode.
Personal Identification (optional with Advantage Interface)
Personal Computer
Polar Coded Transmitter:
Automatically picks a code to transmit your
heart rate to the Wrist Receiver. In coded transmission the Receiver
accepts heart rate information from your transmitter only. Coding
reduces significantly crosstalk caused by other users of heart rate
monitors, however, it does not necessarily reduce all environmental
Recovery Heart Rate (RECO HR):
Decrease in heart rate during the
pre-set period of time.
Recovery Time (RECO TI):
Time until certain heart rate reading is
When starting the heart rate measurement, this flashing symbol
indicates the search for coded transmission. This symbol appears
also when the wrist receiver stops receiving the heart rate information
due to missing heart rate signals. This function is designed to save
battery life. To continue, restart the heart rate measurement.
The higher the bar and the higher the value, the higher is heart rate
variation and the more relaxed is your body as well as your mind.
Respectively, the lower the bar and the value, the smaller is the
variation and the higher your stress level, physical or mental. Heart
rate variation is a typical feature of a healthy heart, and the degree of
variation is highly individual. Therefore, compare the results you get
only with the former data of your own.
The Relaxation Rate is best suitable for measuring heart rate variation
in situations such as rest, daily activities and light exercise. In a
strenuous exercise, the heart rate remains on a high level and the
variation is so small that the relaxation bar disappears from the dis-
play on the whole. After the exercise, for example the following
morning, by monitoring the heart rate and its variation, you can see the
state of your physical recovery. A resting heart rate significantly higher
and a heart rate variation smaller than normal at rest may be an
87 - 99 or > 99 ms
75 - 86 ms
63 - 74 ms
50 - 61 ms
40 - 49 ms
30 - 39 ms
20 - 29 ms
10 - 19 ms
5 - 9 ms
2 - 4 ms
normal healthy
heart during
moderate exercise
normal healthy
heart at rest
one block is highlighted
all 10 blocks are