POK SAS - ZI Les Guignons - 10400 Nogent-sur-Seine - FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0)3 25 39 84 78 - Fax: +33 (0)3 25 39 84 90 - Email: [email protected] - Web: www.pok.fr
MOP_LAM_01403_EN_A - 24/02/2017 - Cop
yright© POK S
S - Illustr
ations are only informativ
- High pressure hand nozzle with selectable flow rate and stream pattern, 180 lpm, spinning teeth
- High pressure hand nozzle with selectable flow rate and stream pattern, 180 lpm, spinning teeth
- Glue (Locite 243) and screw flow rate index mark 28 until a slight contact with bore mark 23 and untight
on a 1/8 revolution
- Ensure that the flow rate ring turns freely
- Reassemble the flow pattern ring as detailed above
• Cleaning
It is recommended to clean the nozzle with clean water inside and outside after each use (manoeuvres have
to be carried under pressure).
It is recommended to dis-assemble the nozzle once a year if the nozzle is used continuously with salt or
brackish water. Clean and dry all components, gaskets, O rings and grease them as per POK Procedure
provided with the spare parts kit available on order. This service can be provided by our workshop, please
contact us for pricing.
If the nozzle is not working properly, ensure that there is no foreign object preventing it from functioning
properly. In this case, please contact us to obtain the procedures of disassembly or return the product for
a repair in our factory.
• Spare parts
Some parts such as gaskets are likely to be changed more or less often depending on the frequency of use,
conditions of use or storage. Please contact our sales department for the prices and after sales conditions.
Refer to the schedule in this document to identify the replacement parts.
• Handling / Transport / Storage
General Information
When unpacking the equipment after transport, check that there is no mechanical damage and/or loose
parts in the interior of the package. In case of damage, the carrier must be informed immediately. In this
case, do not put the equipment into use.
Delivery Information
POK equipment is delivered in a double-walled cardboard box. We use timing equipment to prevent products
from bumping into each other. The package is securely closed with adhesive tape. A delivery note is included
with the equipment.
Shipment of Equipment
In case of reshipping the equipment, or transferring the shipment to other sites, the shipping process above
should be followed.
Storage of Equipment
When storing the device, it is recommended to keep it in its original packaging to protect from humidity,
dust and kept at normal room temperature.