POK SAS - ZI Les Guignons - 10400 Nogent-sur-Seine - FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0)3 25 39 84 78 - Fax: +33 (0)3 25 39 84 90 - Email: [email protected] - Web: www.pok.fr
MOP_LAM_01403_EN_A - 24/02/2017 - Cop
yright© POK S
S - Illustr
ations are only informativ
- High pressure hand nozzle with selectable flow rate and stream pattern, 180 lpm, spinning teeth
• assembly/disassembly
The inlet coupling leaks or does not swivel freely
- Remove the screw mark 19
- Remove all ball bearings mark 17 while turning the coupling mark 18
- Remove the inlet coupling mark 18
- Replace inlet gasket mark 20
- Clean and apply grease ( Loctite 8106) to the ball bearing seat mark 15 and 18
- Apply grease mark 20 (Loctite 8106)
- Install inlet coupling mark 18 on the body mark 15
- Insert all ball bearings mark 17
- Glue (Loctite 243) and screw mark 18 up to the slight contact with the balls, then unscrew 1/4 of a turn
The shutoff leaks
Ensure that no foreign body prevents the shutoff from closing. If there is not any, return us the nozzle.
The flow pattern ring doesn’t turn
- Unscrew the set screw mark 33 (beware of the spring mark 29 and the ball bearing mark 30)
- Remove the head bumper mark 37
- Unscrew the guide mark 32
- Remove the guidance ring mark 31
- Replace inlet gasket mark 24
- Clean and grease (Loctite 8106) the guidance ramp and the surfaces of the mark 25 - 23 and 31 being in
- Install the guidance ring mark 31
- Glue (Loctite 243) and screw guide mark 32 up to the slight contact with the bore mark 23, then unscrew
1/8 of a turn.
Ensure that the head ring turns freely then install the head bumper mark 37
- Install the spring mark 29 then the ball bearing mark 30 in the index mark 33 then glue (Loctite 243) and
screw everything in place on the head ring mark 31 up to the slight contact with the bore mark 23, then
unscrew 1/8 of a turn.
The spinning teeth is broken or doesn’t turn
- Remove the head bumper mark 37
- Remove the screw mark 35
- Remove the head ring mark 34 and spinning teeth mark 44
- Clean contact aeras between spinning teeth, head ring mark 34 and the guidance ring mark 36.
- If some teeth are missing or damaged, replace spinning teeth mark 44
- Reassemble the spinning teeth mark 44 and the head ring mark 34 without grease.
- Glue (Locite 243) and tight 3 screws mark 35
- Replace the head bumper mark 37
The flow pattern ring doesn’t turn
- Remove the flow pattern ring as detailed above
- Unscrew the set screw mark 28 (beware of the spring mark 29 and the ball bearing mark 30)
- Remove the bore mark 25
- Remove the flow rate ring mark 27
- Replace inlet gasket mark 24 and 26
- Clean and grease (Loctite 8106) the guidance ramp and the surfaces of the mark 25 - 23 - 27 and 31
being in touch.
- Replace the flow rate ring mark 27 with spring mark 29 and ball mark 30
- Replce the bore mark 25