The Eagle 120 Recorder also may be downloaded later. Simply remove the unit from the
outlet and take it back to the office. The Eagle 120 Recorder automatically stops
recording when it is disconnected from an outlet. The recorded data is held in non-
volatile memory so no data is lost. When the Eagle 120 Recorder is back in the office,
connect it to a PC with the USB cable, then plug the Recorder into an outlet. The green
LED lights up steadily in this mode to indicate that it is in communications mode, and
ready for downloading.
The recorded data is still in the Eagle 120 Recorder and can be downloaded again even
after it has been re-initialized. The old data is not erased until the end of the 60 second
countdown of the next recording session.
4.5 Analyzing Data
See the ProVision documentation to learn about using ProVision to analyze Voltage
Recorder data. The documentation is located in the “Manuals” folder on the ProVision
4.6 PC Communications with the Eagle 120 Recorder
The Eagle 120 Recorder may communicate with ProVision running on a PC or laptop to
receive its initialization and to download data. Use the supplied Recorder USB cable to
connect the Eagle 120 Recorder to a PC. Plug the connector into an available USB port
on the PC. Plug the other end of the USB cable into the jack on the bottom of the Eagle
120 Recorder. The green LED lights up steadily in this mode to indicate that it is in
communications mode, and ready for communications.
In ProVision, the recorder serial number will appear within 2 minutes automatically in
the devices window. The Eagle 120 Recorder and ProVision are now ready for
communications. For details on how to use ProVision to initialize and download a
Voltage Recorder, see the ProVision documentation located on the CD-ROM. The Eagle
120 Recorder does not have a modem. References to modem communications in the
ProVision documentation do not apply to the Eagle 120 Recorder.
4.6.1 Communications Troubleshooting
Failure to establish USB communications is usually a result of a faulty PC setup or an
improperly installed driver. Follow these steps to isolate and correct the problem.
Make sure the Eagle 120 Recorder is in communications mode. If the Eagle 120
Recorder red LED is not lit steadily, the unit is not in communications mode, and will not
communicate through the USB port. Make sure the cable is plugged firmly into the 6-pin
female connector on the Eagle 120 Recorder. Also check that the USB connector is
plugged securely into the PC USB port. If the Eagle 120 Recorder is in communications
mode, the problem is probably on the PC side.
A USB cable must be used to communicate directly with a laptop.
4.8 Using a Palm PDA
Initialization: In order to initialize the recorder it must have power from the line the
recorder is installed. Also, the PDA must be able to communicate with the recorder, by