Section 4. Advanced Features and PlexTools Professional
PX-716UF Installation and Users Manual
4. Use the pulldown box to select the type of test: SUM8, SUM1,
Basic, or Burst.
5. Select the Preferences button. You see the Preferences window for
PI/PO tests.
6. In the Preferences window, select the desired preferences. Then click
OK. You see the main PI/PO test window again.
7. To begin measurement, in the PI/PO Test window, click the Start
button. You see the error counts representing the result of PI error
measurement and POF error measurement.
8. To end measurement, click the Stop button, or wait for the
measurement to stop by itself. Your window shows the test results,
and a graph of the error counts recorded by the application. You can
also view the log to see the results.
What the PI/PO Measurements Mean
This test measures the quality of the written or pressed media by
counting the number of low-level errors. Most of these errors are
correctable by the drive.
Each sector on a DVD disc has 2,366 bytes of data. For error correction
on a DVD, the drive places 16 sectors of data into a series of rows and
columns that form an error correction (ECC) matrix. The drive checks
the rows of the matrix for “parity inner,” or PI; and it checks the
columns for “parity outer fails,” or POF.
PI/PO is basically the DVD equivalent of C1/C2 error measurement for
a CD. PI indicates the number of bytes that are corrected during PI
stage, while POF indicates the number of uncorrectable blocks. A POF
corresponds to a CU error (an unrepairable error), as detected by a CD
error checker.