Section 4. Advanced Features and PlexTools Professional
PX-716UF Installation and Users Manual
3. Select the GigaRec tab. You see the GigaRec window. At the bottom
of the GigaRec window you can see information about the disc
currently in the drive. The disc capacity and recording time are
Figure 13: Selecting the GigaRec writing capacity
4. To enable GigaRec, place a check mark in the Enable GigaRec box.
5. Move the slider to one of the GigaRec Rate numbers to select the
capacity. For example, choosing 1.2x increases the disc’s writing
capacity by 20 percent. So the capacity of a 703-MB disc is
increased to 850 megabytes (Mode 1), or about 96 minutes.
: MSF stands for minutes, seconds, frames. This is the
structure of the CD: 2048 bytes per frame, 75 frames per second, 60
seconds per minute.
6. Using a disc-at-once (DAO) recording application such as PlexTools
Professional CD/DVD-ROM Maker or AudioCD Maker, record data
on the CD-R disc.