Section 2. Installing Your PlexWriter
PlexWriter 40/12/40S Installation and Users Manual
Changing the SCSI Termination Setting
The PlexWriter external drive is shipped from the factory with its SCSI termination
enabled (ON). If you have to disable SCSI termination on your PlexWriter drive, set
DIP switch 2 (TERM) to OFF.
If you are using external SCSI peripherals only, then you should be using an external
SCSI cable (or cables). In this case, all devices between the SCSI host adapter and
the last peripheral on the end of your SCSI chain, should have their termination
removed, disabled, or turned off.
If you have both internal and external SCSI peripherals (both the internal and
external connectors of your host adapter are used), then the termination of your SCSI
host adapter should be removed, disabled or turned OFF. The last peripheral on your
internal cable and the last peripheral on your external SCSI chain should retain their
termination (have it set ON). All other SCSI peripherals connected to the host
adapter should have their termination removed, disabled, or turned off.
NOTE: Most newer SCSI interface boards have Auto Termination, so turning off its
termination is unnecessary. However, you still must specify termination ON or OFF on
the PlexWriter drive.
Install a PlexWriter Internal SCSI Drive
This section explains how to install a PlexWriter internal SCSI drive in a PC. Before
proceeding, double-check your SCSI ID number setting, SCSI termination setting,
and other jumper-controlled settings.
Record the Serial Number and TLA Code
Record the serial number and TLA code of your drive on the inside front cover of
this manual.
Mount the PlexWriter Internal SCSI Drive
You can mount your internal PlexWriter drive in any available bay. You must
remove the small panel that covers the bay that you want to use.
CAUTION: Install your PlexWriter so it is oriented horizontally. Plextor does not
recommend installing the drive so it is mounted vertically.
You must make a minimum of two cable connections to your PlexWriter. The two
cable connections that you must make are:
SCSI cable
Power cable