To download and listen to the episodes
- Press the Title key to select your favorite podcast feed.
- Press the Menu key and select "Podcast", then select "Update the episode list".
- After updating the episode list, press the Left or Right key to select a new episode and then press the Play/Stop key.
Download starts.
- After downloading the episode, press the Play/Stop key to start playback.
To register web radio stations using the "PLEXTALK Transfer Software"
- Run the "PLEXTALK Transfer Software" and connect the PLEXTALK Pocket to your computer.
- Select "Radio Stations" on the "Content type" drop down box.
- Go to "File" on the Menu and select "New Radio Station".
Copy a URL of playlist file of the radio station. Paste your copied link in the box of “URL”. You can enter your
preferable name of the radio station in the Title box. And then press "OK" button.
- After registering radio stations, remove the PLEXTALK Pocket from your computer.
To listen to web radio
- Press the Title key to select your favorite Web radio station.
- Press the Play/Stop key to start streaming.
2013/09 PLEXTALK Pocket ver.6
709-1374-00 (US)