When you have finished using “Abbraccio” carrier, first take your baby out, by sitting and
making the previous steps backwards. Took baby out, unfasten belt buckles of baby-carrier
and remove it.
WARNING: Before take in or out from carrier your baby, you should sit for more safety in
the event of sudden movements of your baby.
WARNING: Always support your baby while making these operations.
When your baby is bigger and is able to support head and shoulders independently,
maintaining a straight posture (from 4 months onwards, approximately), you can use
"Abbraccio" in forward facing version (Fig. 15). Thus, he can explore the world around him.
Repeat all operations up to Figure 9, pull the absorb saliva bib away, take hugger cushion
off (Fig. 16), hold the part which support baby's head in "parent facing" version (Fig. 17)
and fold it outside (Fig. 18). Carry your baby inside, by passing his legs into holes, close
arms buckles so that baby's harms are leaned over the same holes and are free to move
(Fig. 19). Always remember to adjust the leg holes, opening or stretching their buckles.
WARNING: When you bend down, do it by bending your legs. Do NOT bend with torso,
keep it straight to make sure that the baby remains in the baby carrier.
WARNING: Always support your baby while making these operations.
When you finish to use the carrier in this version, open arms and legs side openings, slip
your baby off being careful that the leg is leaking from the hole, and then remove the
WARNING: Always support your baby while making these operations.
We suggest to use this configuration only for babies with at least 10 months of age. This
version allows you to carry your baby on your back (Fig. 20).
Wear the carrier as per Figures 1,2,3 and 4 putting it, of course, on your back instead of
your chest. Then let a second person help you to let your baby fit into carrier (Fig. 21).
WARNING: When you bend down, do it by bending your legs. Do NOT bend with torso,
keep it straight to make sure that the baby remains in the baby carrier.
When you finish to use “Abbraccio”, let a second person help you to take your baby of
carrier. Unfasten buckles and take carrier off.