Plebani Abbraccio Assembly And Use Instructions Download Page 14



Now wear diagonal belt making them cross behind your back (Fig. 4), adjust the length of 
the belt until baby-carrier is well fix to your body. Then lock belts with respective elastic as 
indicated before.


WARNING: Improper adjustment of length and tension of the belts, may have unsuitable 
weight distribution, compromising parent and baby's comfort and posture.


WARNING: Always wear, firmly and in suitable position the carrier before let your baby fit 



(About 4 months of age).


Our “Abbraccio” carrier has the opportunity to carry your baby in different positions. In 
"parent facing" position (Fig. 5) the baby is in close contact with you and it's the best way to 
carry him comfortably. This version is recommended for even small babies.


WARNING: Before take in or out from carrier your baby, you should sit for more safety in 
the event of sudden movements of your baby.
WARNING: Always support your baby while making these operations and carrier is not 
completely and correctly hooked.


After wearing the baby-carrier, you should sit next to a table or level (Fig. 6), then unfasten 
top buckle (Fig. 7) and then bottom one (Fig. 8) by releasing the below Velcro and open the 
carrier on side (Fig. 9). Carry your baby with face towards you (Fig. 10) and close baby-
carrier (Fig. 11), closing buckles and Velcro you previously opened. Check well that baby's 
arms and legs correctly come out by the respective holes (Fig. 12). Stretch or open belts of 
baby carrier's lateral buckles so that your baby is well fitted to you and that baby-carrier 
doesn't slide down.
"Abbraccio” has, in this configuration, a bib to protect clothing of you parents, from the 
saliva of your baby. You can simply remove it by pulling it away from the buttons which it is 
fixed to and pin it to the same buttons when you decide to use it again.
For more comfort of your baby, the carrier is equipped with a hugger cushion that protect 
and sustain the head of your baby.


WARNING: When you bend down, do it by bending your legs. Do NOT bend with torso, 
keep it straight to make sure that the baby remains in the baby carrier.
WARNING: Check that there is always a bit of space between your baby's face and your 
chest so he can provide adequate air (Fig. 13).
WARNING: When baby sleeps, turn his face to avoid suffocation (Fig. 14).

 Use this version as long as your baby is not able to keep his head himself 

Summary of Contents for Abbraccio


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Page 7: ...nti sudore o fenomeni atmosferici non sono un difetto di fabbricazione Errati lavaggi tessuti lasciati umidi non ben asciugati possono dar vita a forme di muffa e non sono difetti di fabbricazione Se...

Page 8: ...marsupio vi consigliamo di mettervi seduti per una maggiore sicurezza in caso di movimenti improvvisi del vostro bambino ATTENZIONE Sostenete sempre il vostro bambino mentre eseguite queste operazion...

Page 9: ...a parte che sorregge il del bambino nella versione fronte mamma Fig 17 e piegatela verso l esterno Fig 18 Fate accomodare il vostro bambino facendo passare bene le gambe negli appositi fori chiudete l...

Page 10: ...agganciati funzionanti e che tutte le componenti non presentino difetti o danneggiamenti in tal caso non utilizzare il prodotto Verificare che l articolo non presenti parti scucite o strappate Non uti...

Page 11: ...ccomodare dentro il vostro bambino MAI lasciare il bambino quando non indossate il marsupio Se soffrite di dolori problemi o patologie alla schiena NON indossate il marsupio sulla schiena nella sua co...

Page 12: apportare in qualsiasi momento modifiche all articolo al fine di migliorarlo Plebani s r l declina ogni responsabilit per danni a cose o persone derivanti da un utilizzo improprio e o scorretto del...

Page 13: defect Wrong washes wet and not well dried fabrics may create molds and cannot be considered as manufacturing defects If you need assistance please contact the retailer from whom you purchased the...

Page 14: ...ig 6 then unfasten top buckle Fig 7 and then bottom one Fig 8 by releasing the below Velcro and open the carrier on side Fig 9 Carry your baby with face towards you Fig 10 and close baby carrier Fig 1...

Page 15: ...are free to move Fig 19 Always remember to adjust the leg holes opening or stretching their buckles WARNING When you bend down do it by bending your legs Do NOT bend with torso keep it straight to mak...

Page 16: ...osen parts Make assembly and installation operations WITHOUT any babies around Assembly of this product should be made by an adult Do not make any modifications or add other elements that may compromi...

Page 17: ...your baby when you don t wear baby carrier If you suffer from pain problems or illnesses in the back DO NOT wear the carrier on your back in its version on the back Make sure that anyone who uses thi...

Page 18: ...article at any time to improve it Plebani s r l disclaims any liability for damage or injury caused by improper use and or misuse of the product IMPORTANT NOTES Keep medicines small objects and any d...

Page 19: ...tergents impropres sueur ph nom nes atmosph riques ne sont pas des d fauts de fabrication Lavages incorrects et tissus pas bien s ch s qui peuvent produire des moisissures ne sont des d fauts de fabri...

Page 20: ...pour les petits enfants ATTENTION Avant de mettre ou de prendre l enfant hors de la poche vous devriez mettre vous vous asseyez pour plus de s curit en cas de mouvements brusques de votre b b ATTENTI...

Page 21: ...u la figure 9 tirez la bavoir d branchez le coussin d appoint Fig 16 prenez la partie qui soutient la t te de l enfant dans la en face de maman Fig 17 et le plier vers l externe Fig 18 Faitez installe...

Page 22: ...que une installation incorrecte est une source de danger Avant l utilisation assurez vous que tous les dispositifs de verrouillage sont correctement engag s en fonction et que tous les composants sont...

Page 23: stabilit des deux L enfant l int rieur du porte b b le changement climatique affect chaud et froid avant de le porter ATTENTION Toujours porter une poche kangourou AVANT de faire asseoir l int rie...

Page 24: ...bricant peut tout moment apporter des modifications l article afin de l am liorer Plebani s r l d cline toute responsabilit pour les dommages choses ou personnes caus s par l utilisation et ou la mauv...

Page 25: ...osirea detergentilor a transpiratiei sau a fenomenelor atmosferice nu constituie defecte de fabricatie Spalarea gresita tesaturile umede sau neuscate bine pot da nastere la diferite forme de mucegai c...

Page 26: ...tru o mai mare siguranta in caz de miscari neasteptate a copilului ATENTIE Tineti totdeauna bine copilul in timp ce efectuati aceste operatiuni si marsupiul inca nu este fixat de tot si in mod corect...

Page 27: ...iva scoateti pernita reductoare Fig 16 indoiti partea care sustine capul copilului in versiunea cu fata la mama spre exterior Fig 18 Puneti copilul in marsupiu dupa ce i ati trecut piciorusele prin sp...

Page 28: ...structiuni pentru montaj deoarece o instalare incorecta este sursa de pericol Verificati inainte de fiecare folosire ca toate mecanismele de blocare sa functioneze in mod corect si ca toate componente...

Page 29: ...CIODATA marsupiul in loc de scaun auto sau ceva asemanator In timpul folosirii miscarile copilui pot compromite atat stabilitatea dumneavoastra cat si a lui In interiorul marsupiului copilul va simti...

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Page 31: ...le care folosesc acest articol bunici rude babysitter etc sa cunoasca exact cum functioneaza acesta precum normele de siguranta Multumim ca ati ales un produs Plebani Plebani din totdeauna se angajeaz...

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