Customise your headset
Customise the headset by changing the ear tip, wearing it on the right or left
and optimising the position of the microphone
Change the ear tip
The headset comes with a pre-installed ear tip. To install a different ear tip see the following:
Remove the pre-installed ear tip by pushing in and turning the ear tip CLOCKwise, then pull
Choose the size and style of ear tip that fits most comfortably. Align ear tip tabs with notches
in headset. Push in firmly and twist COUNTER clockwise.
When installing a gel tip ensure the raised part of the ear tip is pointed toward the curved
section of the headset as shown.
Position your headset
When you wear the headset, the microphone should rest as close to your cheek as possible
without touching. The microphone can be adjusted inward by the pivoting earpiece to optimize
the position of the headset.
Slide the headset over and behind your ear, then press gently toward your ear.