Prostyle Intra X-ray Unit 1
User's manual
This manual describes how to use the PLANMECA
Prostyle Intra x-ray unit and the Prostyle Intra equip-
ped with Dixi digital x-ray system. Please read this
manual carefully before using the equipment.
Note, that if you use the Dixi digital intra x-ray system,
you need a PC with a Planmeca Dimaxis imaging soft-
ware to save, view and modify the radiographs. The
Dimaxis software has a separate manual, which should
be used in conjunction with this manual.
NOTE This manual is valid for software revisions 1.20 or la-
NOTE The use of Prostyle Intra x-ray unit is allowed only
under supervision of dental care professional.
CAUTION The x-ray unit may be dangerous to both patient and
operator unless safe exposure values are used and
correct operating procedures are observed.
Prostyle Intra x-ray unit fulfills the requirements of Di-
rective 93/42/EEC.
All key illustrations indicate that the key should be
pressed or, where indicated, pressed and held down.
Pressing a key will either switch a function on or off,
depending on the original setting, or change the indica-
ted value.
The display values shown in this manual are only
examples and should not be interpreted as recommen-
ded values unless otherwise stated.
NOTE Electromagnetic interference between the equipment
and other devices can occur in very extreme condi-
tions. Do not use the equipment in close conjunction
with sensitive devices, or devices creating high elec-
tromagnetic disturbances.
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