Copyright Planika Sp. z o.o.
The distance from the obstacles and structural elements at the roof passage.
In case of exhaust outlet from flue system situated at a distance of 1,5m from the
obstacle, the outlet chimney must be placed 0,3m above the top edge of the obstacle.
In case of exhaust outlet from the flue system situated at a distance of 1,5 to 3m from
the obstacle, the outlet chimney must be placed at least at the level of the upper edge
of the obstacle.
In case of exhaust outlet from the flue system situated at a distance of 3 to 10 meters
from the obstacle, the outlet chimney must be placed at least 0,3 m above the surface
of the roof with a slope greater than 12° and at least 0,6 m above the surface of the
flat roof.