Chapter 5
Product Specifications
Auto-Negotiation (N-Way)
Each TP port has a bui lt-in Auto-Negoti at ion funct ion. This technology
automaticall y sets the best possi bl e bandwidth as soon as a connect ion is
established with another network device (usually at Power "On" or Reset).
Auto-Negotiation functions by detecting the modes and speeds the attached
device is capable of.
Upon network cable attachment, each TP port will instantly set to operate as
If t he at tached devi ce is s et to a Ful l-Duplex forced m ode, it wi ll n ot
connect to an Auto-Negotiation device.
MAC Address Table
Every Ethernet data packet includes both source and destination addresses.
This six (6)-Bytes ID is called the MAC (Media Access Control) Address.
This Switch can automatical ly learn and store up to 4K MAC addresses.
However, the MAC Address table is volatile: it disappears when the switch
is powered off or reset.
When the network needs reconfiguration, we recommend first turning "Off'
the power. Aft er al l nodes have been m oved, reconnect the Switch back
"On" to rebuild the internal MAC address table.