Half- and Full-Duplex
This sixteen (16) ports N-Way Switch supports both Half- and Full-Duplex
modes for 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX.
Half-Duplex: Data can not be transmitted and received at the same time.
Full-Duplex: Data can be transmitted and received at the same time.
Each port on this sixt een (16) port N-Way Switch can detect and set the
line's operating mode by using their Auto-Negotiation function.
Fast Ethernet
100B ASE-TX is called "Fast Ethernet". In Fast Et hernet (100Mbps) data
travels ten times faster than in traditional Ethernet (10Mbps).
Below is a list of the cable types and connectors supported for 10BASE-T
and 100BASE-TX networks.
If your 10BASE-T network currently uses Category 5 TP cabling, you can
i nstantl y upgrad e the network to a 100BASE-TX network by changin g
network devices.
Chapter 4
Optimizing Configuration
Basic Installation
Step 1. Place FX-16IM on a smooth surface.
Step 2. Connect the Power cord to the FX-16IM.
Step 3. Connect server, workstation or PC to your FX-16IM using standard
RJ-45 Ethernet cable.
Step 4. Connect another workstation or PC to your FX-16IM by following
the same process as described in Step 3.
Step 5. If necessary, another hub/switch also can be connected to any port of
FX-16IM using s tan dard RJ -45 Et hernet cable for more flex ible
Step 6. Ensure that each device is connected properly. Plug power cord to
the power outlet and power on the switch.
Chapter 3