The supplied dri ver diskette contains the following directories.To indtall
e a c h d r i v e r, p lease see t he res pect iv e expl anati on fil e i nclu ded in t he
\LINUX LINUX Kernal 2.2/2.4 driver description file
\ODI NetWare ODI client driver
\NW312 NetWare 3.12 server driver
\NW411 NetWare 411 server driver
\NW50 NetWare 50 server driver
\WIN95 Driver description file for Windows95
\WIN98/98SE Driver description file for Windows98/98SE
\WINME Driver description file for WindowsME
\WINNT WindowsNT 3.51/4.0 driver descrition file
\WIN2K Driver description file for Windows2K
\WINXP Driver description file for WindowsXP
\DOS IBM DOS LAN Services driver
This chapter describes how to install the FW- 1 0 0 TA into a computer and
how to connect a network cable to the Ethernet adapter.Since the adapter is
a PCI bus device, there is no need to manually configure the device.
The computer automatically assigns appropriate I/O base addresses and IRQ
at system startup.
Appendix B
Contents of the Driver Diskette