Hot line
Enable / Disable, default setting is disable, this service allows you to make a call to a
pre-programmed number by only lifting the handset.
FXS Port Setting
FXS (Foreign Exchange Station) is the interface on a VoIP device for connecting directly to telephones,
fax MAChines, or similar device and supplies ring, voltage, and dial tone.
Dial Pulse Type
This field defines the number of pulse per second. There are 2 selections,
10 PPS
- Represents as a series of audible clicks of 16.66 ms duration with silence duration of 33.33 ms.
20 PPS
- Represents as a series of audible clicks of 33.33 ms duration with silence duration of 66.66 ms.
These values apply to the Japanese Network for which the
algorithm was developed.
These click sounds are digitized and subsequently analyzed to determine the digit that was dialed.
FXS Reverse
A specific signal indicating the status of the conversation
Tone Setting
Adjust the tone frequency according to each country. Select a country from
the pull-down menu
Caller ID Type
The Caller ID normal display the number, system date, and time on system
phone screen of the incoming call. The DTMF is the general type for using.
Select a type from the pull-down menu. Default setting is Disabled
Caller ID Power Level
Assigns the Caller ID Power Lever from 0 to 100. Default setting is 20