Authentication Expired
SIP registration expired time. Assigns the time interval from 1 - 65535,
default setting is 3600 seconds
Use Outbound Proxy for
All Messages
Enable/Disable this flag for out-bound (out-session and in-session)
requests. Default setting is Disable
Registrar Server Address
Assigns the SIP Register Server’s IP address
Registrar Server Port
Port number of SIP Register Server. Assigns a value from 1024 to 65535,
default setting is 5060
Use Outbound Proxy for
Enable/Disable this flag for proxy-outbound, default setting is Disable
Outbound Proxy Address
Outbound Proxy server’s IP address. Assigns the server’s IP which is in
charge of call-out service
Outbound Proxy Port
Port number of Outbound Proxy Server. Assigns a number from 1024 to
65535, default setting is 5060
DNS SRV suppor
Enable / Disable DNS SRV support function, you’ll need DNS server if you
want to use email server. To use it you should check direct delivery on the
addresses tab. DNS server is used to give a route to recipients’ mailbox.
You can use any DNS you know. But the best choice for the fastest
sending is to use your ISP’s DNS