6.3 Event Configurations
The “Event Configurations” section allows users to define conditions that
constitute an event, its corresponding trigger action and when it will be
triggered. Such setting can reduce the management overhead and notify the
administrator only when it’s nec
General Settings
The general settings section can help you quickly configure when an event is
triggered, how often events are triggered and the corresponding actions
when events are triggered.
• C
• F
and then define the time range in those days in the “Start Time” and “End
he event trigger function to be enabled.
gger Interval” to define how often events
are triggered.
nd interval defined, choose
send out the first few frames of the
corder send out a warning message in
Start the event configuration by defining the general settings:
fine when an event will be triggered.
hoose “Always” or “Only during…” under “Event Trigger Duration”.
or the “Only during…” option, choose the days by using the check-box
Time” fields that you would like t
How often an event is triggered
• Set a time interval under “Event Tri
igger action
w that you have the event trigger duration a
what action to be taken during an event trigger:
• You can choose to have the recorder
video recorder upon an event is triggered.
• You can also choose to have the re
mail or in txt file format and upload it to a destined FTP server.