32-Channel Network Video Recorder
4.2 Video Frame
All the camera’s videos are displayed in this frame. If the cursor is pointing at one of the
cameras, it will show a bar at the top.
The bar displays the channel’s number and some
functions as shown on the snapshot below.
The camera menu is used to control video channel and the function depends on supported
camera. The functions include main function (digital PTZ, snapshot, audio post), lens control,
preset point control, change channel, stream selections, fisheye mode and lens selection.
The camera menu offers the functions below:
Digital Zoom
After clicking the digital zoom button, hold the mouse left button and draw a square on the video
to specify the zoom in area
Once the image is digitally zoomed in, use the mouse scroll button to further zoom on or zoom
out the image. Hold and left-click on the image and move the mouse to move the zoomed in
Take Snapshot 1 / 3
User can select 1
or 3 continuous snapshots. As soon as a snapshot selection is made, the