available value ranges from 1 to 99.
Allow user to input the value of packet rate sent from this port to the connected port. The
available value ranges from 1 to 99.
Table 4-3
Descriptions of the Bandwidth Control screen Objects.
The screen in figure 4-19 appears.
Figure 4-19
Bandwidth Control setting Screen
After setup is complete, press
button for save the current configuration. The screen in figure 4-20 appears with
"Operation completed successfully!"
Figure 4-20
Bandwidth Control save successfully Screen
for back to previous web screen.
4.10 Misc Configuration
This function provides the advanced configuration of the Switch. The available options are shown as below:
Advanced Switch Configuration:
Allow user to configure the advanced Switch configuration. Please refer to section 4.10.1.
Password Setting:
Allow user to disable or enable password protection. Set the username and password, Maximum up to 8 characters.
Please refer to section 4.10.2.
Reset System Default Setting:
Allow user to reset the Switch to default mode. Please refer to section 4.10.3.
Reboot System:
Allow user to reboot the Switch. Please refer to section 4.10.4.