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Chapter 5 Application
This chapter describe the four operating mode of your WAP-4000. The four working modes of WAP-4000
are Access Point, Access Point Client Mode, Wireless Bridge mode and Multiple Bridge mode.
5.1 Access Point mode
With this mode, your Wireless network connection could act as following.
Any of your IEEE802.11b and 802.11g end nodes should found the nearest Access Point to
communication with any other Wireless end-nodes or the wired Ethernet network.
There are two things need to be check for your wireless end nodes, the services set ID (SSID) and the
Wired Equivalent Protocol (WEP), both parameters should the same with your Access Point.
5.2 Wireless AP Client mode
The WAP-4000 can also act as a client on a wireless LAN. When configured as AP Client mode,
WAP-4000 soon makes your connected PC a wireless end node. This mode can be deployed if your end
nodes (already installed with an Ethernet Adapter) do not want to make any change but want to move it
somewhere not easy to have the wire.
In this mode, WAP-4000 will need to accompany with an existing WAP-4000 in access point mode in the
wireless network.