User’s Manual of ICS-2x00T Serial Device Server Series
the network. This parameter is 0 to indicate that the data will not be packed until the
buffer is full. The range of value is from 0 to 1024. The default is
If the Separator is enabled, the serial receive character port will be discarded until the
start separator is detected on the serial port. When the end separator is received, the
buffered characters, including the start and end separators, are sent to the network.
The range of value is from 0 to FF. The default is
Separator Process
Separators are ASCII characters specified by the user when configuring the serial serve.
This parameter describes how to control characters received on a serial port are sent
across the network. The default is
Do nothing.
Do nothing
: it will pack the accumulated data including Separators.
Strip Separator
: it controls striping of Separator from the received characters
before the received characters are sent to the network.
Separator Time Out
Separator timeout controls the maximum amount of time that can be used to buffer
characters before the characters are sent to the network. A smaller values will increase
the number of network packets, but reduce the amount of time to receive characters, on
the contrary, Larger values reduce the number of network packets, but increase the
amount of time to receive characters. The range of value is from 0 to 65535. The default
0 ms.
Example: Connect to Modbus sensor via TCP server mode
Figure 4-5-17:
TCP Server Mode Application
1. Set Port Configuration as shown below.
Figure 4-5-18:
Port Configuration
2. Set operation mode as
Telnet Server mode.